Independent Chinese Cinema: Present and Future Challenges
Date 日期 / Time 时间: Sunday, 1 May, 4.00pm 5月1日,下午4.00时
Duration 活动时长: 1.5 hours 一小时半
地点 Venue: 奥登剧场 Oldham Theatre
地址 Address: 1 Canning Rise, Singapore 179868
电影节相关影片 Related Films
Mama; Xinjiang Shorts; Tibet and Xinjiang Shorts; Shanghai Film Academy Shorts
主持人 Moderator: 符诗专 FOO Tee Tuan
Admission to Festival Forum is free with registration on https://scff.peatix.com.
In 2020, China surpassed the United States by USD$10mil to become the world’s largest film market. What is the role of independent film in China, where the film industry is booming? How many filmmakers are forced into this route in order to make it into mainstream filmmaking?
How many filmmakers would insist on this road of no return in order to maintain creative independence? What are the characteristics of Chinese independent films? Who are their ardent followers? Where can we view such works? This panel discussion examines the current situation and challenges of Chinese independent films from three perspectices : creation, curation, and distribution.

李冬梅 LI Dongmei
《妈妈和七日时间》 Mama
LI Dongmei was born in a rural village in Chongqing Province, China. After finishing middle school in Futian, she went to SISU (Sichuan International Studies University) to study English and American literature.
She worked as an English teacher in middle school before starting film studies at the Victorian College of the Arts at Melbourne University. She then returned to China, and after doing some small film jobs for Chinese companies and directing several shorts, she started planning her first feature film.

肖博 Cliff XIAO
短片惊叹号:新疆短篇集 Chinese Shorts Cuts: Xinjiang Shorts
纪录短片集:西藏与新疆 Documentary Shorts: Tibet and Xinjiang Shorts
肖博,博士,影迷,CathayPlay 策展人,致力于在全球推广华语独立电影。CathayPlay希望通过建⽴在线电影播放平台,致⼒于发⾏和推⼴华语独⽴电影,与全球观众接轨。 CathayPlay主张独⽴精神,以创作⼈为本的模式,呈现更多独具艺术价值、直⾯社会的作品,口号是:WATCH DIFFERENT。https://www.CathayPlay.com
Dr. Cliff XIAO Bo is Curator at CathayPlay, a streaming platform which aims to promote Chinese independent films. Through CathayPlay, Dr Xiao and his team advocate the spirit of independence, and promote respect for director-centered style of filmmaking. They also aim to discover more films merging arthouse style with social commentaries. WATCH DIFFERENT is the slogan of CathayPlay. https://www.cathayplay.com/

张献民 ZHANG Xianmin
Independent Chinese Cinema: Present and Future Challenges
The multi-talented and highly regarded Professor ZHANG Xianmin is a producer, director, curator, writer and actor, active across many areas of the film industry. As a professor at the prestigious Beijing Film Academy, Xianmin teaches screen writing and documentary filmmaking and occasionally French cinema and absurdist theatre.
Xianmin has produced and co-produced many features, including Old Dog (2011), which saw Sonthar Gyal nominated for the 2011 APSA for Achievement in Cinematography. His acting credits include Rain Clouds Over Wushan (1996), Summer Palace (2006), Missing and Raised from Dust (2007), which he also wrote. Xianmin has also been a juror at more than a dozen international film festivals and served as Jury President of One Foundation Video Festival in 2012 and 2013. He organizes and programmes the China Independent Film Festival (CIFF) and Chinese indie cinema events around the world.