我们的电影神话 — 李翰祥、梁祝、西施
Chinese Movie Legends: Li Han-Hsiang, The Love Eterne and Hsi Shih
Date 日期 / Time 时间: 5月7日,下午3时30分至5时 7 May, 3:30pm to 5:00pm
地点 Venue: 奥登剧场 Oldham Theatre
地址 Address: 1 Canning Rise, Singapore 179868
电影节相关影片 Related Films
《梁山伯与祝英台》、《西施》 The Love Eterne; Hsi Shih: Beauty of Beauties
主持人 Moderator: 吴欣宜 Sally WU
Admission to Festival Forum is free with registration on https://scff.peatix.com.
《梁祝》的本质是电影商战竞争的产品,却凭着其文化深度成为其后许多观影世代对于“古典美”的启蒙。这场讲座将把脉络从香港拉到南洋,从新马拉到台湾,探讨从《梁祝》到《西施》 、1962年至1965年之间的华语影史巨变。
The Love Eterne was released in April 1963 in Hong Kong, Malaya, and Taiwan. It became a box-office sensation in Taiwan and marked a turning point in the development of Chinese film industry.
Essentially, the film was made because of the rivalry between two major studios, but it has made a lasting impact on the audience with its cultural and aesthetic significance. Edwin W. Chen will talk about major events of the Chinese film industry between 1962 and 1965 by connecting the dots from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.

陈炜智 Edwin W. CHEN
Playwright, Director, Lyricist, Film and Theatre Critic and Researcher of Chinese-language Cinema
纽约大学艺术学院(Tisch School of Arts)电影研究所(Cinema Studies)毕业,2003年至2014年于北美《世界日报》撰作“百老汇”每周专栏,2006年起任教于上海戏剧学院、上海音乐学院。2017年起于IC之音竹科广播策划、主持《台湾电影笔记》节目,三度入围广播金钟奖,并于2018年获颁最佳艺术文化节目主持人奖。现为琼瑶家族筹备中之文创团队执行长。
Radio Broadcasting Golden Bell Awards Winner in 2018 (Best Art and Culture Show Host). Chen currently serves as CEO of the newly-established creative team funded by the family of the renowned writer Qiong Yao.