Panel Discussion
Two Kinds of Reading and Creation:Between Words and Visual
Date 日期 / Time 时间: 5月6日,下午2时30分至3时30分 6 May, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
地点 Venue: 奥登剧场 Oldham Theatre
地址 Address: 1 Canning Rise, Singapore 179868
电影节相关影片 Related Films
华流短片展:文学短片集 – 人生的过程
Chinese Shorts Showcase: Singapore Short Stories
Where Are You Going?
As Quiet As a Cloud
For Always
The Fourth Man
主持人 Moderator: 符诗专 FOO Tee Tuan
Admission to Festival Forum is free with registration on https://scff.peatix.com.
原著小说改编为短片作品,哪些部分容易哪些难?将影像作品文字化会否让原来的创作面目全非,又或者会开启新的可能性?“文学短片集 – 人生的过程”中的四部本地华语短片,有的改编自小说,有的从短片转化为文字,从文字到影像,或从影像到文字,这两者之间哪有些同与不同?且听本地文字、影像创作者、表演工作者怎么说?
To make a short film adapted from a novel, which parts of the process are easy, and which are not? To convert a motion picture to words, will it distort the original, or discover new possibilities? Each of the four local short films showcased in “Singapore Short Stories” is either adapted from a novel or converted to words, what are the similarities and differences between the two ways? The panel, made up of local wordsmiths, filmmakers, and performers, will share their thoughts.

周德成 CHOW Teck Seng
新加坡文学奖、金笔奖得主 Winner of Singapore Literature Award and Golden Point Award
Chow Teck Seng is a Singaporean writer and poet who had won the Singapore Literature Award and the Golden Point Award. He had served as an adjunct lecturer in the Chinese faculty of local universities. His latest book, a poem collection, was selected by local Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao as one of the 2022 books of choice.
Some of Chow’s poems had been translated to English, French, and German, as well as made into micro-movies, songs, and drawings. In 2023, he is composing a novel reader that consists of the screenplay of short film The Fourth Man, and Chinese classic - Dream of the Red Chamber.

黄洵 Caleb HUANG
文学短片集 - 人生的过程 Singapore Short Stories
《长长久久》 For Always
Caleb Huang is an award-winning commercial filmmaker based in Singapore. He is much sought after for his exceptional ability to direct films that meld arresting visuals with masterful storytelling.
Crafting ideas to life with a cutting-edge vision that always keeps us in touch with what it means to be human, Huang now makes his foray into the world of long form content, hoping to take on bigger screens with his arsenal of directing skills. Most notably, his short films for PUB and Maybank have racked up awards regionally and internationally.

许美珍 Cynthia KOH
文学短片集 - 人生的过程 Singapore Short Stories
《第四个男人》 The Fourth Man
Cynthia Koh is a popular actress in Singapore who is known for her dedication to her craft and versatility to take on different challenging roles. Celebrating her 30th year in the acting industry in 2022, this effectively bilingual actress has showcased her talent across more than 70 drama series to date, which include her memorable performances in top-rated series such as Toufu Street, Stepping Out, and Holland V.
Her outstanding performance in Say Cheese, and My Star Bride won her accolades at the National Winner for Asian Academy Creative Awards in 2019 and 2021. Koh was named one of the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artistes in Singapore in Star Awards 2022.

邓宝翠 Eva TANG
文学短片集 - 人生的过程 Singapore Short Stories
《岁月无声》 As Quiet As a Cloud
At the age of 21, Eva Tang was unanimously awarded Hong Kong Chinese Literature Award first prize for her prose, when she was an undergrad at the University of Hong Kong.
A journalist-turned-filmmaker, Eva pursued her Masters of Arts in Fiction Directing at the prestigious National Film and Television School in the United Kingdom. Her student film, While You Sleep, was the first short film by a Singaporean selected by the Venice Film Festival.
Her debut documentary, The Songs We Sang, has set the box office record for Singapore documentary. The Straits Times rated it one of the Best Movies of 2015.

郑弥彬 TAY Bee Pin
文学短片集 - 人生的过程 Singapore Short Stories
《第四个男人》 The Fourth Man
郑弥彬毕业于柏林国际电影节人才培养计划和鹿特丹制片人才工作室,其首部⻓片《早餐、午餐、晚餐》在近三十个电影节上映。他也是⻓片《晚五朝九》的制片人兼导演之一,该片获得亚洲电影奈派克奖提名。郑弥彬与中国合作的《⻓⻛镇》获颁亚洲电影基金,并在釜山国际电影节首映。2020年,他凭音乐录影MV《Orang Singapura》在首尔的Asia Web Awards获得最佳导演奖。
An alumnus of the Berlinale Talents and Rotterdam Lab, Tay Bee Pin's first feature film - Breakfast, Lunch Dinner - travelled to close to 30 film festivals. He also produced and directed feature film - 5 to 9, which was nominated for the NETPAC Award. Changfeng Town, which he co-produced with China, won the Asian Cinema Fund and premiered at the Busan International Film Festival in 2019. In 2020, he was awarded Best Director at the Asia Web Awards in Seoul for his music video Orang Singapura.