



回顾过去九年,在2013年办首届电影节时,由于只有10部作品,因此剧情片和纪录片并排而立,不分彼此。在第二届时,片量增加至30几部,为了让观影的朋友易于选片,因此有了 “华夏风情画”、“纪录片视角”和“短片惊叹号”(第四届改名为“华流短片展”)这三个常态单元,聚焦在最近三年以内推出之剧情片、纪录片和短片的常态单元。这个架构一直沿用至今。电影节也是在第二届第一次推出非常态单元:“经典胡金铨”。这些年下来,先后策划了“李行经典展”、“挚爱张国荣”、“张毅精选版”、“话说华语片”、“经典修复版”和“华人非华语”等,侧重在以电影作者或主题导向的非常态单元。这些年下来,估计放映了长片、短片作品近400部。





The 10th SCFF: Reflections and Outlook

This year, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF). Reflecting on the past nine years, the first festival presented only 10 films, with no distinction made between feature films and documentaries. In the second year, the showcase increased to over 30 films. To help our audiences in their viewing choices, three perennial segments were curated, namely Chinese Panorama, Documentary Vision, and Chinese Shorts Showcase. These segments differentiated feature films, documentaries, and short films released in the recent three years. A special segment was also presented, the King Hu Wuxia Classics. In the years that followed, many other special segments were curated including Li Hsing Classics, In Love With Leslie Cheung, Filmmaker In Focus: Chang Yi, About Chinese Cinema, Restored Classics, (Non) Chinese Language Cinema, focusing on the filmmaker or the movie theme. Throughout these years, an estimated 400 films have been screened at SCFF!

This year, a special segment is once again dedicated to revered film director Li Hsing who passed away last August. In 2015, Director Li was invited to the festival where 11 of his works were showcased on the big screen. Over the years, the festival continued to benefit from his advice and guidance. In a special tribute to his legacy, SCFF 2022 presents Farewell to Li Hsing featuring three of his classic films, and a documentary on the man widely known as the Godfather of Taiwan cinema.

For SCFF 2022, we are also proud to present Tales on Filmmakers, a brand new segment within Chinese Panorama. In recent years, a number of films have focused on filmmakers as the subject in focus. Do these films authentically reflect the filmmakers’ thoughts and emotions, or are they purely made-up? We hope you will take time to experience these works. This topical segment may very well become a mainstay of the festival in the next 10 years.

Finally, this is the third consecutive year the festival has been held amidst a pandemic. From a sense of anxiety and fear in 2020, we have arrived in 2022 with cautious optimism. Although SCFF 2022 remains a hybrid mode, we continue to look forward to a festival where everyone can once again fully enjoy movie watching in the cinema.

We hope you will enjoy SCFF 2022! Happy viewing!

Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2022 Organising Committee