中国. 温仕培
China. WEN Shipei
China|2021 | Drama|95 mins | NC16 (些许粗俗语言及暴力画面 Some Coarse Language and Violence)
Languages: 华语,Mandarin
Subtitles: 英文字幕 English subtitles
Director: 温仕培 WEN Shipei
Premiere Status: 新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
Eddie PENG , Sylvia CHANG
简介 Synopsis:
On a dark night, Xueming hits a pedestrian with his car and flees the scene. Desperate to escape his feelings of guilt, he decides to approach the dead man’s wife, Mrs Liang. Meanwhile, the body is discovered – riddled with bullets. Chen, the detective in charge of the investigation, becomes obsessed with the case. Years later, all three remain caught in a tangled web of memories and lies, desperately searching for a truth that refuses to be revealed…