台湾 Taiwan|2022 | 90 mins | PG13 (些许粗俗语言 Some Coarse Language)
华语、福建话 Mandarin, Hokkien
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 黄骏杰 HUANG Jun-Jie
世界首映 World Premiere
主演 Cast:
Ke Fang SUN, Mason LEE
简介 Synopsis:
The memories on the taste buds, are those of growing up, of life, of past recollection, of families. In a sultry morning, on the top floor of an old apartment building in downtown Taipei, where a private kitchen is about to open, the female owner Li Xin-Yue has gone missing, abandoning the male owner of the private kitchen, her boyfriend Ji Wei-Ran, along with the unorganized storefront.
In the old town area of Tainan, the roof of the old family Li mansion gets hit by a gusty wind, blowing away a piece of tile and leaving a hole on the rooftop. The wind follows through the hole, blowing into the Li’s, launching an upcoming family storm. The three sons of the Li who live separately have all returned. As they debate about the repair work, the conflicts hidden among their relationships start to surface.
奖项 Awards:
Nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Lighting, for a Drama Series at the 57th Golden Bell Awards