中国 China|2022 | 96 mins | PG
蒙古语 Mongolian
英文字幕 English subtitles
导演 Director: 乔思雪 QIAO Sixue
新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
Badma, Yider
简介 Synopsis:
Alus is a Mongolian electronic musician confused about what he wants in life. He also cannot bear to see his mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, living like a captive in his brother’s city apartment. So he decides to take her back to the grassland in search of the home she yearns for. Alus tries to stop her from getting lost by tying his mother to him with a rope. The rope is like an umbilical cord that reconnects him to his mother’s thoughts and his native culture.
Alus gradually comes to terms with his mother’s traditional Mongolian approach to life and death, and eventually realises that the rope he has used to tie his mother to him is just another form of captivity. He cuts the cord that binds them, setting her free and providing her with the love and dignity she truly needs. Meanwhile, Alus himself also gains a new lease of life.
奖项 Awards:
The 4th Hainan Island International Film Festival: Best Artistic Contribution Award
*映后交流(现场)Post-screening Q&A (on-site)