
纪录片视角 Documentary Vision

九枪 And Miles to Go Before I Sleep


台湾 | Taiwan | 2022 | 90 | M18 (内容令人不适及些许裸露画面 Disturbing Content and Some Nudity)
华语、越南语 Mandarin, Vietnamese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 蔡崇隆 TSAI Tsung-lung

新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere

主演 Cast:


简介 Synopsis:

爱唱歌的越南青年阮国非为了早日还债,沦为“逃跑外劳”。 2017年,他在偏僻河边被举报窃取小货车,追捕过程中遭年轻警察陈崇文连开九枪,于送医过程中失血过多死亡。 舆论一面倒地支持警员执法,一连串的谜团却在事件后逐一浮现。


A Vietnamese man NGUYEN Quoc Phi became a runaway worker. With his expertise in construction work, he dreamed of saving up enough money so he could start his own business back in his home country. Unfortunately, in 2017, he was reported for a car theft and shot nine times by the police officer CHEN Chung-wen. NGUYEN bled to death on the way to the hospital.

The public supported CHEN’s use of firearms against NGUYEN who resisted the arrest and with records of drug use. Were the nine shots the only cause of NGUYEN’s death? When the perpetrator isn’t necessarily the true perpetrator, is the imperfect victim the one to blame?

奖项 Awards:

The 59th Golden Horse Awards Best Documentary Feature