
华夏风情画 Chinese Panorama
填词L The Lyricist Wannabe
香港 | Hong Kong | 2023 | 109 | NC16 (些许粗俗语言 Some Coarse Language)
广东话、华语 Cantonese, Mandarin
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 黄绮琳 WONG Yee-lam
新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
CHUNG Suet-ying, Eric KOT, Anson CHAN, Sabrina NG, TANG Lai-ying
简介 Synopsis:
Believing that writing Cantopop is her God-given talent, Law Wing-sze decides to make it her lifelong career. But as hard as Sze tries to polish her lyrics writing skills and expand her social circle, nothing seems to go her way. What if there’s a will, but there’s no way?
The first major motion picture about Cantopop lyrics writing. Norris Wong’s long-awaited follow-up to her acclaimed debut My Prince Edward is an unsentimental autobiographical dramedy that reminds us no dream is guaranteed to come true. Ironically, the film’s star, up-and-coming actress Chung Suet-ying, is actually a real-life Cantopop lyricist.
奖项 Awards:
The 30th Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award Films of Merit