
呈献单位 Presented by:

Documentary Shorts: Taiwan Award Winning Shorts 记录短片集: 台湾获奖短片展
台湾. 陈韦杰
Taiwan. CHEN Wei-chieh
Taiwan|2020 | Documentary|40 mins |
Languages: 华语 Mandarin
Subtitles: 中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
Director: 陈韦杰 CHEN Wei-chieh
Premiere Status: 新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
简介 Synopsis:
In a small room in downtown Taipei, Zih-Gang is accompanied by his TV, tablet, and utensils filled with water after he loses his sheltered workshop job. He does not allow his family to enter the room and to take away his belongings. There is only one sliding wall that separates Zih-Gang and his mother, Mei-Huei. The two rooms are connected; yet the link between the two spaces could be blocked anytime. From Zih-Gang’s perspective, freedom is the power to safeguard his “kingdom”. But for Mei-Huei, freedom is being far away from home. Two opposing forces are gradually tearing apart the two deeply connected and inseparable individuals.
奖项 Awards:
The 10th New Taipei City Documentary Film Award First Prize
The 43rd Golden Harvest Awards for Best Documentary