
华夏风情画 Chinese Panorama
少男少女 A Boy and A Girl
台湾 |Taiwan | 2023 | 140 | M18 (性相关及些许吸毒画面 Sexual Scenes and Some Drug Use)
华语 Mandarin
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 许立达 HSU Li-Da
东南亚首映 Southeast Asian Premiere
主演 Cast:
Travis HU, Kira SKELLY, Kris KUAN, Frederick LEE, YAO Chun Yao, Harry CHANG
简介 Synopsis:
In a small town by the sea that barely has anything, an idle boy encounters a heartbroken girl. The boy learns the girl’s secret relationship with the football coach.
Dying to leave the town, he suggests to the girl that they should extort money from the coach to pay for their escape. They come up with a secret plan and set off on a one-way journey.
*映后交流:许立达 Post-screening Q&A: HSU Li-Da