经典修复版: 李翰祥特辑 Restored Classics: Tribute to Li Han-Hsiang
扬子江风云 Storm over the Yangtze River
台湾 Taiwan|1969 | 112 mins | PG13 (些许粗俗语言及暴力画面 Some Coarse Language and Violence)
华语 Mandarin
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 李翰祥 LI Han-Hsiang
新加坡首映 Singapore Premiere
主演 Cast:
LI Lihua, Peter YANG Kwan, KO Chun-Hsiung, KO Hsiang-Ting, SUN Yueh
简介 Synopsis:
A compelling espionage drama mixed with magnificent war scenes, Storm over the Yangtze River is an adaption of Zou Lang’s original spy novel, Dead Bridge. It tells the true story of undercover intelligence agent “Yangtze Number One” and his colleagues in Jianli County of Hubei Province, who risk their lives to carry out the “Dead Bridge Plan” to secure the “Yangtze 180 Blockade”.
奖项 Awards:
The 4th Golden Horse Awards for Best Feature Film – Runner-Up, Best Leading Actor, Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actor