
焦点影人:洪金宝 Filmmaker in Focus: Sammo Hung
特工爷爷 The Bodyguard
香港 | Hong Kong | 2016 | 99 | NC16 暴力画面 Violence
广东话 Cantonese
中英字幕 English & Chinese subtitles
导演 Director: 洪金宝 Sammo HUNG
主演 Cast:
Sammo HUNG , Andy LAU
简介 Synopsis:
患有””健忘症””的退休特工老丁,因意外不幸与孙女走散,饱受家人呵责后再无来往。他回到老家小镇,过着孤独的生活,幸而遇上邻家小女孩春花,一老一少慢慢成了忘年之交。可惜好景不常,女孩父亲无意间卷入了中、俄帮派大仇杀,令春花身陷险境。老特工看不过眼, 只身前去营救春花。面对这场牵涉各帮派重大利益的混战,外表看似孱弱不堪的老丁,竟然施展出匪夷所思的格斗技能,最后,他能否击退黑帮,勇救春花?
This is one of Mr Hung’s more recent works, in which he was the director and lead actor, successfully blending the drama genre with intense fighting scenes.
“The Bodyguard” follows a retired bodyguard who settled in the dark and unknown corner where China, Russia and North Korea meet. Suffering from the beginnings of dementia, the titular character is befriended by a young girl whose life is threatened when her father falls in with the local crime lords. When the girl and her father disappear, the bodyguard must call upon his long forgotten skills to save the life of his young friend.
*映后交流:洪金宝 Post-screening Q&A: Sammo HUNG