经典修复版: 谢晋精选展 Restored Classics: Great Classics by Xie Jin
Two Stage Sisters 舞台姐妹
中国 China|1965 | 114 mins | PG13 (少许粗俗语言 Brief Coarse Language)
华语 Mandarin
英文字幕 English subtitles
导演 Director: 谢晋 XIE Jin
东南亚首映 Southeast Asian Premiere
主演 Cast:
XIE Fang, CAO Yindi
简介 Synopsis:
In the early 1940s, when the Shaoxing opera artists Zhu Chunhua and Xing Yuehong are performing, they are persecuted by local vicious power. Master Xing asks them to stay true to their opera cause and rule of life before passing away.
Three years later, Chunhua and Yuehong become celebrities in Shanghai. Chunhua remains down-to-earth but Yuehong grows steadily more materialistic and is married to the theatre owner Manager Tang. Chunhua is prepared to re-appropriate Lu Xun’s novel The New Year Sacrifice, but is vandalised by reactionary forces. Yuehong is finally awakened after experiencing abuses by Manager Tang. The sisters get reunited on the stage and sing the Butterfly Lovers together.
奖项 Awards:
The 24th BFI London Film Festival Sutherland Award